Beware of Falling Trees: Learn More About Property Insurance

Many homeowners ask whether property insurance covers damage from fallen trees. The answer to this question is yes, as long as the homeowners meet some specific conditions.
Here is what you must know about property damage from fallen trees.
Ownership Matters a Lot: First of all the ownership of the tree would be questioned. Most of the property insurance policies need you to maintain your trees well for coverage. For instance, if a storm was responsible for the fallen tree which was not cut back the insurer could question the ‘claim’. Heavy precipitation during the winter months compromises the quality of the trees.
As a result, most of the property insurance policies require the homeowners to trim the trees ahead of the winter season. This is necessary to prevent the accumulated snow from weighing down the tree branches causing them to break. If the neighbor’s tree falls on your house, the insurance company would try to work out a ‘settlement’. This is called subrogation. If the procedure is carried out successfully you would get a refund on your deductible. Apart from the home, the garages and sheds are the ‘covered structures’ which are enlisted on the insurance property policy.
Coverage from Storm Damage Is a Must: If the destruction of a property occurs from trees as a result of natural calamities such as tornadoes, hurricanes or heavy windstorms, insurers do not question about trees as it is difficult to assess a tree’s origin in such natural disasters. In such cases, the insurer imposes the deductible and they offer coverage for the rest of the property.
The Policy Covers the Removal of the ‘Offending Tree: The property insurance policy you opt for should cover the cost of removing the ‘offending tree’. The amount would vary from one policy to another. If a tree falls on the property without causing any damage, you have to remove it all by yourself. But, if the fallen tree blocks your driveway or restricts any access, your insurance company would remove it for you.
Property Insurance Policies Cover the Decorative Shrubs and the Damaged Trees: The shrubberies and trees add a lot of value to a property and could be costly to replace. Thus, you must choose a property insurance policy that includes the shrubs and trees as an integral part of the property and offers coverage if they are damaged. This includes damage to the shrubberies and trees from lighting, explosion, fire, aircraft, theft, and vehicles that you do not own. This also includes malicious mischief and vandalism to your property. This, however, excludes damage from wind and water.
Generally, the property insurance policy covers damage from the fallen trees. You need to remember that you need to pay the deductible before the insurance you buy can help in paying for the covered loss.
You must also remember that the ‘coverage limits’ would apply. Before deciding on a property insurance policy, you must check with your agent for learning how much and what kind of coverage your property insurance policy offers for the damage by the fallen trees.